An unmatched combination of comfort for monthly wearers: Dk, H20 & modulus
Comfort and clear, healthier eyes are everything to monthly premium lens wearers. Biofinity® lenses deliver them with the highest combination of O2 transmissibility and H2O content in the category, along with an optimum modulus.

Lasting comfort confirmed by clinical tests
Biofinity lenses stayed comfortable from initial insertion through the end of the month. (After one month of wear the overall comfort score was 93 out of 100 and end-of-day comfort was 90 out of 100).1
Superior design leads to superior vision
After one month of daily wear, Biofinity lenses were graded as superior for subjective vision quality compared to AIR OPTIX.2
Biofinity® toric vs AIR OPTIX® for Astigmatism
Higher comfort satisfaction means happier patients.
Comfort ratings on insertion at dispensing visit (p<0.001)3
Comfort ratings at the end of the day at 4 week visit (p<0.05)3
Biofinity® lenses remain cleaner after one month of wear4
Biofinity sphere lenses have significantly fewer deposits than AIR OPTIX® AQUA lenses after one month of wear (p<0.02).5
Fewer Deposits
Preferred by more patients after 4 weeks6
Patients prefer Biofinity sphere lenses for comfort over AIR OPTIX® AQUA lenses aer one month of wear. (p=0.0164)
Patients prefer Biofinity® sphere lenses for less dryness over AIR OPTIX® AQUA lenses aer one month of wear. (p=0.0396)
7 out of 10 lens wearers prefer Biofinity sphere lenses overall compared to AIR OPTIX® AQUA lenses. (p=0.03)
Biofinity® toric
64% of patients rated the overall lens performance of Biofinity toric lenses as much better or better than their habitual silicone hydrogel lenses after 1 month of wear.7
In a recent clinical study, 77% of patients would recommend Biofinity toric to their family & friends.8
In the same study, ECPs reported that Biofinity toric performed well, with the proportion of Biofinity toric lenses showing8:
- 93% Optimum Centration
- 84% Excellent Lens Marking Visibility
- 72% Excellent Stability
- 73% Perfect Fit Acceptance
They also observed excellent physiological outcomes in Biofinity toric patients. At four weeks, they reported8:
- No Bulbar Conjunctival Hyperemia
- No Corneal Neovascularization
- Extremely Low Palpebral Hyperemia
Biofinity toric’s exceptional performance is the result of highly optimised geometry
- Uniform Horizontal ISO
- Thickness & Wide Ballast Design
- Superior Back Surface Curvature
- Larger Toric Optic Zone
Biofinity® toric vs PureVision® 2 for Astigmatism
A randomised study. A definitive winner: Biofinity toric lenses.9
70% of wearers preferred the comfort of Biofinity toric lenses over PureVision 2 for Astigmatism lenses in a non-dispensing study.
Patient-Preferred For Comfort
70% of wearers preferred the lens settling time of Biofinity toric lenses over PureVision 2 for Astigmatism lenses at insertion.
Preferred For Lens Settling Time
Biofinity® toric vs AIR OPTIX® for Astigmatism
Higher comfort satisfaction means happier patients.
Excellent Moisture
70% of wearers preferred the comfort of Biofinity toric lenses over PureVision 2 for Astigmatism lenses in a non-dispensing study.
Fewer Deposits
At 4 weeks, ECPs reported Biofinity toric lenses have significantly fewer deposits than AIR OPTIX for Astigmatism.
Smooth Feeling
Biofinity toric lenses received 3 times as many “excellent” ratings for feeling smooth 3 vs. AIR OPTIX for Astigmatism.8, 9
Preferred by more patients after 4 weeks8.
Preferred Nearly 5 to 1 for Comfort
For comfort, nearly 5 times more subjects preferred Biofinity toric lenses over AIR OPTIX for Astigmatism at the end of the study.
Preferred 2 to 1 for Vision
For vision, 2 times more subjects preferred Biofinity toric lenses over AIR OPTIX for Astigmatism at the end of the study.
3x More Completely Satisfied Ratings for Less Dryness
Biofinity toric lenses had 3 times more “completely satisfied” ratings for less dryness compared to AIR OPTIX for Astigmatism at 4 weeks.8, 10
Biofinity® multifocal
Patients rated Biofinity multifocal lenses as superior for overall satisfaction after both one week and two weeks of wear compared to PureVision® Multifocal.11
Patients rated Biofinity multifocal lenses’ superior near vision at and arm’s length vision compared to AIR OPTIX® AQUA Multifocal after one week of wear.11
Patients rated more comfort upon insertion, during the day, and at the end of the day, compared to PureVision Multifocal at the initial visit, after both one and two weeks of wear.11