Find the right contact lenses for you

Find the Right Contact Lenses for You!

Millions of people choose to wear CooperVision contact lenses every day, because we make a wide range of high-quality lenses to suit virtually every lifestyle, budget and vision correction need.*

Take this four-question quiz for a personalised recommendation on which CooperVision contact lenses may best meet your needs.

* CooperVision Data on File 2021. Based on Rx option combinations (sph, cyl, axis & ADD) manufactured, across all soft lenses in sphere, toric & multifocal (including made to order), in SiHy and hydrogel from 4 main manufacturers. Includes 1-Day, 2 weekly, and monthly disposable contact lenses. Cosmetic & Photochromatic contact lenses not included. Multiple base curve variants not included.

CooperVision soft contact lenses for vision correction. This product may not be right for you, refer to your optometrist for advice. Read the instructions for use before purchase ( and follow the instructions for use.

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